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Student Leadership Institute

 If you are a college student, take advantage of a 6-week free leadership institute. During the holiday break, stay socially connected, improve your leadership skills, and find your purpose!

The Virtual Student Leadership Institute is from December 13, 2020 through January 17, 2021. It is open to the first 50 students that register. The institute will be held on Sundays at 6pm Eastern Standard Time. Each student will receive my newly released book, TURN ON YOUR LIGHT: Finding the Light Within and a free gift. Below will be the topics of discussion. We will also have some great professional leaders and coaches as special guests during the virtual sessions.

Topics of Discussion

Leadership on Purpose - Whether you believe leaders are born or made, it is possible for anyone to be a leader. Some students jump at the opportunity to be a leader and others are either forced or stumble into a leadership position. This presentation will help you define yourself as leader and align your identity, purpose, and values to help develop your leadership skills.

Overcoming Adversity – Many students will experience barriers and setbacks throughout life, but it is important to learn how to overcome adversity and respond appropriately. Through Seneca’s story and personal experiences, he will assure that students have the necessary tools to be resilient to effectively accomplish their goals and achieve success.

Invest in your well-being – During this Covid season, students are faced with emotional, mental, financial, physical, social, and other issues in today’s society. In Seneca’s presentation, students will be able to identify areas of improvement, examine and evaluate how to effectively invest in their well-being, and recognize the benefits of self-care during the pandemic.

Team Chemistry – Do you want to create a championship environment? Seneca will speak life into your student athletes to build synergy, accountability, and team chemistry. 

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During this Covid season, Seneca will impact, engage, and develop students through this leadership institute. Seneca is determined and committed to inspiring, motiving, and investing into your life. Seneca’s passionate, creative and innovative style, and delivery will leave you with a lasting impression and set you up for success!  

So join us in this journey and work on your development as a leader! Please be sure to register today!